
Steamed Dumplings


Mix all ingredients for the filling.  Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.  Spoon 1 tsp of filling into a wrapper.  To seal the dumpling, I dip my finger into room temperature water and run it around the edge of the dumpling.  Lift the dumpling into your hand and start to fold it over on itself making a half-moon.  Sealing it involves a few pinches and folds.  You should aim for 7 folds, but if you only have 5 they still look great.

To steam them you need either a bamboo steamer or another type of steamer.  They can also be cooked like potstickers in a pan, fried, or even used in soup.  If steaming, place long slices of green onion, Napa cabbage, and/or bok choy on the steamer to keep the dumplings from sticking to the steamer.  Place dumpling on top of the greens and cover with the lid.  Place the steamer on top of a pot of boiling water and steam for 15 minutes. 


1 lb ground meat (I prefer 1/2 emu & 1/2 chicken), but I've had them with just chicken, just turkey and chicken and turkey (my second favorite if I do t have gr. Emu)
1 cup Napa cabbage
2 TBS diced green onions
1 TBS sesame oil
2 TBS soy sauce
2 cloves minced garlic
1 TBS minced fresh ginger
1 TBS sugar

 I pkg round dumpling wrappers (square work but will need to be folded differently)

These delicious steamed dumplings can be made with ground emu, chicken and/or turkey